Sunday, October 18, 2009

i have been in spain for 3 weeks and malaga for 2 and i am already so attached to everything here! i don't really feel like a tourist anymore. i know my way around here and it's starting to feel like home. i finished my language class, and just started my electives and they are going to be so much fun. i have the same teacher for all three and he is hilarious! he makes these awesome facial expressions and i just die laughing everytime. everyone in my class is from my group from ISA and that just makes the class so fun! last weekend we went to visit ronda, this little town about 2 hours away from malaga, and it was really pretty. they had old arabic baths that were really cool to look at. the day would have been a lot better if i wouldn't have stayed out so last the night before, but that's life! this weekend, i went to marbella with a group of girls and we stayed the night in a hostal. it was so much fun, to finally be on our own and not with a huge ass group of people walking around with a freaking sign above that says" hi, we're tourists". we got to marbella and dropped out stuff off at the hostal, which was really nice, like a bed and breakfast, and walked around the town. we walked around the beach, and there was this beautiful garden adn was so green and i loved it. then we walked up adn down the beach and found a place to eat for later that night, that had the view of the ocean, which was perfect. on our way back to the hostal to get ready for the night, it was around 7:30, there were some people who were already eating dinner and i told my friend " oh my gosh, you can tell they are tourist because they are eating at 7:30!" as you can see, i'm not a tourist anymore, i eat dinner at 9:30, thank you very much! so after we got ready, we went to eat dinner and it was so good. there were about 7 of us girls and we ordered a glass of wine and ate italian food. then the waiter comes over to us and gives us this lime sorbet drink for free! it was really yummy. then ashley, rebekah and i decided we wanted a shot of something. so the waiter mixed us this really pretty pink shot and we took it. my friend lauren, brough a video camera and she taped it, and it was so funny, cause all of us were decided what to toast it to, and we ended up taking the shot with this guy that was there. then the waiter makes us another shot that was like peachy, and that was even better then the first one! then we sat down and talked for a bit, and the waiter comes over to give us our check, and our drinks were free! we felt so speacial! after the restaurant we walked around the beach for a bit, and then went to this little lounge for an hour, and then called it a night. this morning we woke up and layed out on the beach that's located around the center of town, and it was relaxing to just sit and talk with eachother for a bit. now, i am back in malaga, and so glad to be "home"! i am having such an amazing time here, it's so exciting! sometimes, i'll sit and think, wow, i'm in spain! i really wish all of you guys were here with me!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

first post in spain

Hi!!!! so i'm in malaga, and i've been here for almost a week and i absolutley love it! my senora is so amazing and makes the best food ever (my mom's is better ;) ). my roommate is really cool and i'm so glad that they paired me with her. in the group that i came with, everyone is really outgoing and fun. the weather here in malaga is perfect, and i know sarah wishes she could be here. i've been to the beach almost every day and seriously it feels like it's still summer and it's already october! malaga is pretty big, but you can walk everywhere. i walk to school and it takes me about 15 mintues but there's this beautiful bridge with flowers growing on the side, it's nice to look at every morning. last friday we went to a discoteca, and it was an expirience. i loved it though. the class that i'm for the first two weeks of october is a spanish language class for 5 hours, and it goes by pretty slow. there are about 6 people in my class, and i think it's kind of hard. i seriously forgot that i had to go to class here. i'm not on vacation, but we all act like it. i'm going to back track a little...
on my first day in spain i was in madrid and it was so cool. we went out that first night to a bar and it was kind of fun. it was hard to figure out what to order and tapas kind of confused us but i think we have it figured out now. madrid is kind of like new york city, but so much better cause it's in spain. the people in spain are acutally nicer than i thought. in madrid we did a lot of tours and got to know some history and interesting facts. the other city we went to was Toldeo, and that place to my breath away. it was amazing! my favorite place so far (besides magala). toledo has a lot of arabic influences, so that just makes the city so different from anything i have ever seen. i will post pictures of all these places. the pictures of toledo will be amazing, but it's nothing compared to actually being there.
this was pretty long and probably boring, but i just thought i would write something so that everyone could see what i've been up to. i am having a blast and am so glad i am here.